Community Action


Community Action

At Rother Radio, we are deeply committed to our local community and take our role very seriously.

Running a radio station in our area is not just about providing entertainment for our listeners, it’s also about supporting the community we serve. We are proud to support the incredible work of community groups, not-for-profit organizations, and charities that strive to make a difference every day.

Throughout the week, we actively promote the activities, events, and ongoing initiatives of these groups. Whether it’s a call for volunteers, details about an upcoming event, or simply raising awareness about the services provided, we are here to help.

If you are a not-for-profit organization with a non-commercial event, we would love to help publicize your cause. Just send us an email at or fill in the form below. Remember to provide your contact details so our team can reach out to you. We are also open to mentioning your event on air, even with short notice, but the more lead time we have, the better we can promote it. Let’s work together to make your event a success!

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